you are my wild by eef ouwehand

You are my wild ~ personal

My sweet girl is growing so quickly. We are together in Curacao now for a month.  Photographing for a new book and working on other nice new  plans for Divas Publishing, Inc.. We are staying in beautiful B&B Swiss Fish in ‘Landhuis San Sebastian’. I am sitting outside now under the “palappa” and the stars and Noor is fast asleep.

This Monday we started with the shoots for our new book in Pietermaai. One of my favorite areas on the island. After the shoots I took a few quick snaps of Noor.

you are my wild by eef ouwehand you are my wild by eef ouwehand

Tomorrow we will get the final proof of our Veggiekidz book and on Monday it will go to the printing house… I am sooo excited! More about the book soon, I promise.

‘Kindjes’ is een project wat ik op de blog Zilverblauw van Anki tegenkwam. Iedere week maakt ze een aantal foto’s van haar kindjes. Het project Kindjes is gebaseerd op dit schitterende project.

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